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SZTU visits partner universities in Germany and France

Edited by:Release Time:2023/04/20

From March 30 to April 6 local time, Prof. Ruan Shuangchen, president of Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) led a delegation to visit six partner universities in Germany and France. During the visit, the universities engaged in in-depth discussions on enhancing cooperation in scientific research, joint construction of colleges and laboratories, and student training.


Ms. Zeng Siyu, director of the International Cooperation and Student Affairs Office at SZTU, said that it was SZTU’s first official international visit since 2020. Over the years, SZTU has constantly expanded its international exchanges and cooperation in a diversified and in-depth manner. It has actively sought to introduce high-quality overseas education resources. This visit has great significance in further enhancing international cooperation.


During the eight-day trip, the SZTU delegation visited six universities in Germany and France.



SZTU delegation visits Landshut University of Applied Sciences. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


Landshut University of Applied Sciences

On the morning of March 31 local time, SZTU delegation visited Landshut University of Applied Sciences and held a meeting with Prof. Fritz Pöernbacher, president of the University; Prof. Alexander Kumpf, dean of the Faculty of Business Administration; Prof. Thomas Faldum, associate dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering; and Maria Mehlhaff, head of the International Office. During the meeting, the presidents of the two universities introduced their progress and discussed potential student exchange programs as well as appointment of guest professors.



(Left to right) Prof. Fritz Pöernbacher, Prof. Thomas Faldum, Maria Mehlhaff, and Prof. Holger Haldenwang [Photo/College of Pharmacy]



Prof. Fritz Pöernbacher and Prof. Ruan exchange gifts. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


In February 2021, SZTU signed a cooperative agreement with Landshut University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Ruan visited the University for the first time in 2016, during which he generated new ideas on how to build a university of applied sciences. Prof. Fritz Pörnbacher has been a long-time friend of SZTU and served as a speaker at the SZTU’s High-level Forum on Universities of Applied Sciences in 2017. At the same time, he was appointed as a guest professor at SZTU.



SZTU delegation visits Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

On the afternoon of March 31 local time, SZTU delegation visited Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences. Vice President Prof. Daniel Großmann welcomed Prof. Ruan and his delegation and introduced the scientific research, teaching staff structure, development plans for the next decade and the construction of digitalized courses. Prof. Ruan Shuangchen said that SZTU attaches great importance to exchanging ideas and collaborating with outstanding universities abroad. SZTU eagerly anticipates fostering ongoing communication and establishing friendly cooperation with Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences. This partnership will focus on training teaching staff and developing English courses in the future.



Vice President Prof. Daniel Großmann (left) and Prof. Peter Augsdörfer, head of the International Academic Relations (right), deliver speeches. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences is situated in Bavaria, surrounded by the headquarters of Audi, Continental AG and other well-known companies. The Autonomous Vehicle Engineering program is renowned worldwide. Its research and test center CARISSMA is a leading scientific center for vehicle safety in Europe. In 2018, a SZTU delegation visited the University for research and investigation purposes.



SZTU delegation visits OTH Regensburg. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


OTH Regensburg

Prof. Ruan Shuangchen and the delegation also visited OTH Regensburg. Prof. Ralph Schneider, president of OTH Regensburg, along with other leaders and scholars, participated in a discussion where both sides reviewed the progress and achievements of their partnership over the years. Prof. Ruan stated that SZTU aims to optimize the cooperation mechanism, expand the scope and methods of cooperation, and make breakthroughs in joint training models, student exchange programs, and courses offered during International Week.



SZTU delegation visits the overseas office. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


The delegation also visited the overseas office of SZTU located in OTH Regensburg. Founded four years ago, it is the first of its kind, which marks the great success of the SZTU’s internationalization strategy and has laid a strong foundation for cooperation and exchanges between SZTU and German universities and enterprises.


In December 2016, SZTU signed a cooperation framework agreement with OTH Regensburg. The cooperation coordinator is Prof. Thomas Fuhrmann, vice president of OTH Regensburg. Prof. Holger Haldenwang, former vice president of OTH Regensburg, was appointed as the founding dean and chair professor and now serves as the honorary dean of the Business School at SZTU.



SZTU delegation visits Aalen University of Applied Sciences. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


Aalen University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)

On the fourth stop of their visit to Europe, Aalen University of Applied Sciences, SZTU delegation had discussions with President Prof. Harald Riegel. Both sides exchanged views on personnel training modes, student and teacher exchanges, joint research projects, etc. SZTU delegation sincerely welcomed the teachers and students of the University to participate in SZTU’s International Week.


Founded in 1963, Aalen University of Applied Sciences has been one of the universities of applied sciences with the most extensive research in Germany for many years. In July 2016, SZTU signed a cooperation agreement with Aalen University of Applied Sciences and President Ruan led a delegation to visit the University in June 2019. In recent years, a close tie between SZTU and AUAS has been maintained by establishing a joint laboratory for optical design and testing and carrying out various cooperation projects.



SZTU delegation meets with Prof. Robert Grebner. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS)

SZTU delegation visited Prof. Robert Grebner, president of Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. The University is an important partner of SZTU and a wider scope of cooperation is expected in the future.


In June 2019, SZTU signed an agreement with THWS to jointly develop the Röntgen Artificial Intelligence Program. It aims to train individuals in R&D, operation and maintenance of AI, which are urgently needed by the industry. The program fully reflects the close communication and cooperation between the two sides, and it is meaningful for SZTU to cultivate talented students with a global perspective.



An honorary doctorate ceremony is held for Prof. Ruan. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


The University of Rennes

On the afternoon of April 4 local time, Prof. Ruan Shuangchen was awarded an honorary doctorate in material and optics from the University of Rennes. The ceremony was presided over by Prof. David Allis, president of the University. This is the highest honor bestowed by a French university upon a foreign scholar.



Prof. Ruan Shuangchen is awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Rennes. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]



Prof. Ruan Shuangchen introduces SZTU and his latest research achievements. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


Prof. Ruan Shuangchen delivered a speech, in which he introduced the running philosophy and development process of SZTU. He also shared his latest research achievements in the fields of materials and optics. He stated that the two universities have carried out in-depth cooperation in various areas, including student training, scientific research and academic exchanges in recent years. He hoped that the both sides can further strengthen their exchanges, jointly cultivate technical talents with international perspectives, and achieve mutual benefits.



Prof. Ruan Shuangchen attends the doctoral award ceremony. [Photo/College of Pharmacy]


After the ceremony, Prof. David Allis invited Prof. Ruan to attend the doctoral award ceremony at the University of Rennes and present graduation sashes to the PhD graduates.


In July 2016, SZTU signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Laboratory of Glasses and Ceramics at the University of Rennes. In October 2020, the two universities launched a joint doctoral program that primarily admits students in the fields of materials science and chemical science. 14 doctoral students have been enrolled in this program so far.




Drafted by Christine(黄昭萱), Daisy(姚琦)/ International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office

Revised by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office

Edited by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office

