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Application Procedure and Materials

Edited by:郑斌Release Time:2023/12/20

一、申请时间及流程 Application Time and Procedure

(一)申请时间 Application Time

2024年3月15日-5月15  From 15th March to 15th May, 2024

(二)申请流程 Application Procedure


Fill in the Application Form for International Students and send all application materials to (cc to


二、申请材料 Application Materials


Please prepare the following materials before applying

1. 高中毕业证书、成绩单电子扫描件,应届生可提供就读高中出具的预毕业证明原件。(入学后须补充提交高中毕业证,成绩单原件及翻译件。)

Scanned copy of high school diploma and transcript. Graduates shall provide pre-graduation certificate. (Those who have not graduated from high school should submit a pre-graduation certificate which shows your expected graduation time, and present your original high school certification, transcripts and corresponding translation documents when you register.)

2. 护照个人信息页 Photo Copy of Passport Info Page

3. 彩色证件照 Personal Photo (within six months)

4. 语言水平证明 Language Proficiency Certificate

(1) 中文授课专业:HSK5级证书(180分以上)

Programs taught in Chinese: Certificate of HSK5 (180 or above)

(2) 英文授课专业:雅思5.5分以上(母语为英语者除外)

Programs taught in English: IELTS 5.5 or above (Except native English speakers)

5. 原所在学校或单位推荐信一封

A letter of recommendation from former school

6. 外国人体检报告

Physical Examination Form

7. 个人履历(从小学至今)

Resume (from primary school to now)

8. 留学动机书(根据专业授课语言选择中文或英文):英文不少于500字,中文不少于800字

Motivation Letter in English or Chinese (according to the program applied for): No fewer than 500 words in English or 800 words in Chinese

* 除上述申请材料外,申请人须根据我校的要求,按时提交其他补充材料。

In addition to the application materials detailed above, applicants should submit other supplementary materials in time based on relevant requirements of SZTU.

* 各类证明、学位证和成绩单必须从有效机关签发及公证。所有文件必须经过正规翻译公司翻译成中文或英文。

All certificates, diplomas and transcripts must be issued and notarized by the valid authorities. All documents should be translated into Chinese or English by translation agencies.


三、录取流程 Admission Procedure

1. 申请截止后,各专业学院组织专家评审小组对申请资料进行专业审核,如有需要,可安排远程或当面面试。

After the application deadline, colleges or schools of SZTU will organize a panel of experts to review the application documents. Online or offline face-to-face interviews will be conducted, if necessary.

2. 20237月,预录取结果将以邮件形式通知学生。

In July, 2023, pre-admission results will be sent to applicants via email.

3. 20227月底之前,学校确定最终录取的学生名单,并按照学生提供的邮寄地址寄送录取材料原件。

By the end of July, 2023, after the final confirmation of admission, SZTU will mail admission packages to the address provided by the applicants.

4. 被录取的学生持《录取通知书》和来华学习签证申请表(JW202到中国使馆申请X1签证,在抵达中国后30天内将X1签证转换成学习类居留许可,逾期不办理相关手续者,将做退学处理。学校不接受持非学习类签证的学生报到入学。

The admitted students should apply for the X1 visa at their country’s Chinese Embassy (or Chinese Consulate) with “Shenzhen Technology University Admission Notice” and “Visa Application for Study in China (JW202)”, and change X1 visa into a Residence Permit for Foreign Students within 30 days after entering China. Students who do not apply for the relevant visa and residence permit will have to drop out. SZTU does NOT accept any students without student visas.

5. 被录取的学生须根据《录取通知书》上报到日期和报到地点来校报到注册,不接受学生提前报到。

The admitted students must register at the date and the address according to “Shenzhen Technology University Admission Notice”. Early registration will NOT be accepted.

6. 报到时将核验毕业证书原件、语言水平证书等。未能提供证书或证书核验不通过者,将被取消录取资格。

The original graduation certificate, language proficiency certificate and other relevant documents will be checked again at registration upon request. Those who fail the certificate and ducument verification will be disqualified from the enrollment.