On April 25, the First Optics Frontier Summit and Award Ceremony for China’s Top 10 Optical Breakthroughs of 2020 was held in Hangzhou. 10 fundamental research results and 10 applied research results covering various topics were awarded, among which a fast ignition experiment joined by the researchers of Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) was selected as one of China's top 10 optical breakthroughs in applied research.

The set-up of the indirect-drive fast ignition experiment. [Photo/Chinese Laser Press]
The award-winning research is known as the world’s first indirect-drive fast ignition experiment for high energy gain in inertial confinement fusion (ICF), which has attracted much attention for its potential to tackle global energy problems. The research team is formed by researchers from SZTU, the Laser Fusion Research Center of China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, CAEP Graduate School, National University of Defense Technology, Peking University, and Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics. With their concerted efforts, the experiment was successfully carried out on Shenguang II Upgrade (SG-IIU) laser facility, which verified the feasibility of the indirect-drive fast ignition scheme.
Initiated by Chinese Laser Press in 2005, the event for selecting China’s top 10 optical breakthroughs has been held annually for 15 years. It aims to disseminate outstanding optical achievements by Chinese researchers and boost the development of optics in China. The selection process consists of three stages, namely recommendation, preliminary selection and final evaluation. Due to its rigorous evaluation mechanism and high-level candidates, the award for China's top 10 optical breakthroughs is well recognized and highly influential in the optics industry.
Drafted by Olivia(赖丽伟)/ International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Revised by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Edited by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office