Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) and Technical University of Munich Asia (TUM Asia) jointly launched an international lecture series "Essentials of Advanced Manufacturing – Frameworks & Digital Solutions Series" for SZTU undergraduates. This online course is organized by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office and Julong College of SZTU. 36 undergraduate students from different colleges of SZTU registered for this course and attended the first lecture on April 19.

36 undergraduate students from SZTU attends the first lecture. [Photo/Julong College]
Adapted from the Specialist Diploma in Advanced Digital Manufacturing, the course is Asia's first Industry 4.0 certification programme covering cutting-edge industrial development technologies and trends. Through this course, the students will be introduced to the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) framework and various innovations in the advanced manufacturing sector. This course is an open elective with one credit and consists of 10 online lectures. The topics cover Industrial Additive Manufacturing, Immersive Technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), Digital Twin Simulation, Fiber Optics Sensors Applications, etc. Real cases in industry and practical examples from Singapore (Aquaculture 4.0 and Indoor Vertical Farming 4.0) will be shared. The lectures are co-delivered by the lecturers of TUM Asia and its industry partners as well as lecturers from SZTU. At the end of this course, the students will be invited to participate in a poster presentation competition named "Digital Manufacturing Project".

Prof. Chan gives the opening speech. [Photo/International Cooperation and Student Affairs Office]
Before the first lecture, Professor Chi Chiu Chan, deputy dean of Julong College and director of the Smart Sensing System Center, made a brief opening remark. Prof. Chan said that this is the first time that SZTU jointly launches an online elective course with TUM Asia. He hoped that through this course, the students will be able to learn the latest knowledge of advanced manufacturing technology and Industry 4.0. Delivered by Dr. Jesmond Hong from TUM Asia, the first lecture was about the Smart Industry Readiness Index.

The course schedule presented by Dr. Jesmond Hong [Photo/International Cooperation and Student Affairs Office]
Shenzhen Technology University has been committed to developing cooperation between international universities and constantly exploring new models of international exchanges amidst the COVID pandemic. Ms. Zeng Siyu, director of International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office of SZTU, emphasized that the internationalization of SZTU will be steadily promoted through the online platform. The objective of this course is to create a new learning platform so that the students can obtain new knowledge, gain rich experiences in international exchange and broaden their global perspective.
Drafted by Janet(张芮珊)/ International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Revised by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Edited by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office