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Insight China kicks off with online workshop

Edited by:Release Time:2023/02/24

Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) jointly held an online workshop attended by nearly 60 students and teachers from the two sides on February 14. The workshop was a warm-up activity for the delegation of Insight China to start their visit to China. Insight China was launched at FHNW in 2001 and offers ambitious students the opportunity to gain insights into China’s cultural and economic diversity.




The project representative and 27 students from SZTU attend the online workshop. [International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office]


On October 26, 2017, SZTU and FHNW signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to construct a cooperative partnership in an all-round way. Since then, the two universities have been carrying out in-depth cooperation in information sharing, mutual visits, joint teaching programs and scientific research. This year, the delegation of Insight China consisting of 3 tutors and 26 undergraduates from FHNW will come to China and visit SZTU in April.



SZTU students discuss the topics and give presentations in groups. [International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office]


In order to better prepare for the trip to China and promote mutual understanding, the students from FHNW and SZTU were divided into five groups respectively to show their slides and share their ideas on different topics at the online workshop. The given topics included Diversity and Inclusiveness, The Future of Work, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Climate Change and its Impact, The Impact of Technology on Society, The Future of Energy, Campus life in China/Switzerland, and Cultural Norms. Through sharing ideas and information, the students from the two sides further learned about the campus life, culture and society of Switzerland and China, and thus got more familiar with each other. Michael Jeive and Dominik Wörner, the tutors of Insight China from FHNW, expressed their gratitude to SZTU for active participation in the workshop.



The students and tutors from FHNW participate in the discussion. [International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office]


SZTU is looking forward to welcoming the delegation from FHNW to experience the colorful campus life here. Our friends in Switzerland, see you soon in April!




Drafted by Olivia(赖丽伟), Brian(郑斌)/ International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office

Revised by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office

Edited by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office

