Associate Prof. Guo Xiaoyang at the Center for Advanced Material Diagnostic Technology, Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) won Laser Industry Innovation Awards of Secret Light Awards (SLA) recently.

SZTU wins Secret Light Awards. [Photo/Center for Advanced Material Diagnostic Technology]

The winning product: dispersion management reflector [Photo/Center for Advanced Material Diagnostic Technology]

Associate Prof. Guo Xiaoyang at the laboratory [Photo/Center for Advanced Material Diagnostic Technology]
SLA has been widely respected and recognized in the laser industry in China, setting a model for leading the industry’s high-quality and innovative development. Winners usually include top-notch hi-tech companies and research institutes. Associate Prof. Guo’s research result, dispersion management reflector (DMR), which may offer exciting possibilities for femtosecond laser technology, made SZTU become one of the winners.
Drafted by Daisy(姚琦)/ International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Revised by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Edited by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office