On the morning of September 18, the founding ceremony of Oak Talents class was held at the launching campus of Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU). Ms. Antje Lezius, Member of the German Bundestag, Mr. Michael Dietz, Director of Economic Development Council, Birkenfeld, Mr. Christian Schaadt, Manager of Department of Tourism, Economic Development Council, Birkenfeld, Ms. Jane Hou, Chairman of Oak Garden (CNDE) Holdings GmbH, visited SZTU and witnessed the founding ceremony of Oak Talents class that was jointly established by SZTU and Oak Garden (CNDE) Holdings GmbH, along with other 9 enterprise representatives including Mr. Andreas Scholz, General Manager of Oak Garden (CNDE) Holdings GmbH, Ms. Christina Liang, General Manager of Plus X Award, Mr. Kawsu Walter Ceesay, Project Manager of Axel Günther, Ms. Heike Eichinger, Secretary-General of German-Chinese Entrepreneur Club, Mr. Jonas Konrad Müller, Marketing Manager of CCN GmbH, Ms. Meike Heil, General Manager of Samus Gallus, Mr. Klaus Müller, General Manager of PureNature Versand GmbH, Ms. Katja Stöhr, General Manager of MAIKLAMMER, and Ms. Joanna Tao, Marketing Director of Oak Garden (CNDE) Holdings GmbH.

The Oak Garden delegation visited SZTU. [Photo / Publicity Office]
Prof. Ruan Shuangchen, Director of SZTU, Ms. Sun Xiangyu and Prof. Zhang Yanhong, both Deputy Directors of SZTU, Prof. Franz Raps, Dean of College of Urban Transportation and Logistics, Prof. Liu Shengyuan, Dean of the College of Creative Design, Prof. Wang Hongzhi, Associate Dean of Sino-German College of Intelligent Manufacturing, Prof. Du Chenlin, Head of the Scientific Research and University-Enterprise Cooperation Office, and Ms. Zeng Siyu, Head of the International Cooperation and Student Affairs Office, attended the ceremony and the preceding meeting. Ms. Sun Xiangyu hosted the event.

Both sides were having a meeting before the unveiling ceremony. [Photo / International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office]
After introducing the participants and watching the video overviews of SZTU and the Oak Garden (CNDE) Holdings GmbH, Ms. Antje Lezius gave her speech in which she mentioned the primary goal for her visit was to establish new modes for cooperation and that she would like to make her share of contribution to the enhancement of the Sino-German relationship. She believed both China and German valued education deeply and was very glad to witness today’s founding ceremony and the rapid development happening in China.

TheOak Talents Class was officially unveiled. [Photo / Publicity Office]
In the following remarks by the Director of Economic Development Council, Birkenfeld, Mr. Michael Dietz stressed the significance of mastering both English and German for students’ future development and looked forward to seeing further cooperation with SZTU in the future.

Prof. Ruan Shuangchen presented a SZTU silk scarf as a gift to Ms. Antje Lezius. [International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office]
As the representative of SZTU, Prof. Ruan Shuangchen, in his speech, first warmly welcomed the Oak Garden delegation and then introduced the preparation work for the campus establishment, SZTU’s current enrollment, international intercollegiate cooperation and university-enterprise cooperation. In addition, he looked forward to more extensive and in-depth cooperation with Rhineland-Palatinate, Trier University of Applied Sciences, and Oak Garden (CNDE) Holdings GmbH in the future and welcomed all the participants to come and visit SZTU again.