On July 6, the online opening ceremony of Swiss Innovation Centre Shenzhen (SICS) was held jointly by Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU), Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Over 40 representatives from the governments, universities and organizations of both China and Switzerland attended the opening ceremony via video conference. The ceremony marks the official opening of SICS, an international platform for innovation and research co-built by SZTU and its Swiss partners.

Online Opening Ceremony of Swiss Innovation Centre (Shenzhen) [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
On June 25, 2019, SZTU signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on co-establishing SICS with eight Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts represented by BFH and FHNW, aiming to promote cooperation in innovation and applied research, academic exchanges and industrial collaboration among SZTU, Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts, scientific institutions and enterprises. SICS will facilitate the development of cooperative projects in the future.

Attendees of the opening ceremony both at SZTU and online. [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Attendees of the opening ceremony included Bernardino Regazzoni, ambassador of Switzerland to China; Gu Ting, full-time vice president of Shenzhen People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Huang Ming, director of Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau of Pingshan District; Prof. Ruan Shuangchen, president of SZTU; Sebastian Friess, president of Bern Economic Development Agency (BEDA); Prof. Sebastian Wörwag, president of BFH; Prof. Ruedi Nützi, recipient of China Friendship Award and director of FHNW School of Business; Prof. René Hüsler, vice president of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU); and other representatives from Embassy of Switzerland in China, Solothurn Economic Development Agency, Swissnex, SwissCham Shanghai and Beijing, Swiss Business Hub China, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (FH OST), and University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FH GR). At SZTU, the ceremony was also witnessed by Prof. Liu Qingxia, dean of Julong College and fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering; Prof. Han Peigang, dean of College of New Materials and New Energies; Prof. Franz Raps, dean of College of Urban Transportation and Logistics; Prof. Holger Haldenwang, dean of Business School; and directors of related departments.

Gu Ting (on the right), full-time vice president of Shenzhen People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Gu made the opening remarks of the ceremony. He reviewed the sister-city partnership between Shenzhen and Bern built in 2015, and the rapid development of Shenzhen Municipality. He said that as a major innovative hub in China, Shenzhen has many similarities with Switzerland in its innovation development concepts. Opening SICS will help intensify the cooperation between the two parties in innovative research and development (R&D), and nurture highly qualified talents with innovation and entrepreneurship skills. He welcomed the Swiss partners to participate in innovation activities in Shenzhen and wished SICS a great success.

Bernardino Regazzoni, ambassador of Switzerland to China, delivers a video message. [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Regazzoni expressed gratitude to the universities and personnel engaged in building SICS and shared Switzerland’s key to success in innovation as well as examples of Sino-Swiss cooperation efforts in education and innovation. Switzerland and China have been closely cooperating in scientific research and innovation since 1989 and a lot of innovation and entrepreneurship platforms have been co-established by the two countries since 2016 when the strategic partnership was built. He expected that fruitful achievements in Sino-Swiss cooperation will be made in Shenzhen as a global economic and innovative hub, and believed SICS will help enhance the cooperation for mutual benefits in education, industries, governmental affairs and public services.

Prof. Ruan Shuangchen, president of SZTU, delivers a welcome speech and announces the opening of SICS. [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Prof. Ruan briefly introduced the development progress of SZTU in aspects of its founding history, campus construction, education mode and international cooperation. SZTU has set up 14 colleges offering 26 majors with over 60 international partners so far, and the new campus will be fully functioned by the end of this year. Prof. Ruan believed that with Switzerland’s strong capacity of innovation, SICS will play an important role in talent support for SZTU as well as in the development of regional innovation and social research. SZTU is committed to strengthening cooperation with Swiss partners and building SICS into an important platform of innovation and education.

Prof. Ruedi Nützi, recipient of China Friendship Award and director of FHNW School of Business [Photo/https://www.fhnw.ch/de/]
Prof. Nützi gave a welcome speech, introducing Switzerland’s excellent global performance in innovation and the development of FHNW. He highly recognized the strong leadership, international philosophy and talent training model of SZTU, and expected the two parties of SICS will maintain regular dialogues and have extensive cooperation in exchange programs, scientific research, and corporate internships, etc.

Prof. Sebastian Wörwag, president of BFH [Photo/https://www.bfh.ch/]
Prof. Wörwag gave a keynote presentation titled “Effective Innovation Partnerships”, in which he compared the two innovation systems of China and Switzerland and their key success factors, and also introduced the internationalization strategy for educational research and innovation in Switzerland. To build effective innovation partnerships between SZTU and Swiss universities, he suggested carrying out strategic cooperation in education, entrepreneurship, and technological R&D.

Prof. Liu Qingxia, dean of Julong College of SZTU and fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, makes a keynote presentation. [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
In his presentation titled “SZTU Schools and Innovation Agenda”, Prof. Liu discussed the innovative talent training model for engineering education and the important role a university plays in driving regional innovation, and highlighted the innovation and entrepreneurship education mode of SZTU. He expected that taking advantage of Switzerland’s strength in innovation, SICS will help develop technological cooperation between SZTU, Swiss universities and enterprises, and nurture leading technical talents.

Director Zeng Siyu from International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office of SZTU gives a presentation. [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Prof. Peter Eigenmann, director of BFH International Relations Office, and Director Zeng Siyu from SZTU reviewed the history of exchanges and cooperation between SZTU and Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts, especially BFH and FHNW. By organizing delegation visits, student exchange programs, International Week and international courses, the partnerships between SZTU and Swiss universities has been consolidated. The opening of SICS will bring the partnerships to a new stage.

Prof. Michael Jeive, project manager of FHNW China Centre [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Prof. Michael Jeive from FHNW analyzed the purpose, benefits and fields of activity of SICS, and highlighted its future development and planning. SICS will focus on promoting innovation in the fields of education and R&D and supporting innovation partnerships with industries from 2021 to 2023.

In the end, the guests toast the opening of SICS. [Photo/Party Affairs Committee Publicity Office]
Drafted by Olivia(赖丽伟)/ International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Revised by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office
Edited by International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office